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Suggested from the Archive


Castel Gandolfo

07 June 2024

Enrico Mattei, rebel for love



27 October 2023

To celebrate the day in memory of Enrico Mattei, Rai Tre will broadcast a documentary titled "Enrico Mattei, ribelle per amore" [Enrico Mattei, rebel for love] on 3 November at 9:20 pm. It was conceived and written by director Angelo Bozzolini and produced by AUT AUT in collaboration with Rai Documentari and the Eni Historical Archive.

Night of the 'carnets de voyage'


Castel Gandolfo (Roma)

09 June 2023

Eni is joining the Archives Night


The participation involves the presentation of a video to the Archives Night

Enrico Mattei, the innovator



22 October 2021

As part of the festivities to mark the memory of Enrico Mattei, on 27 October at 3.30 p.m. we will screen the documentary film 'Il lucido prisma' ('The Lucid Prism') by a former employee, Marco Migliozzi. The film shines a light on all the architectural details of Eni head office building in Rome, showing how EUR looked yesterday and today, and telling stories that will help us to relive the path travelled by Mattei and our company

Book on archive history launched


An online presentation is to be held for a new book by Eni and Fondazione Dalmine, containing 30 contributions from archivists and historians, heritage experts and representatives of the national archives.

Advertising campaigns


Eni's photographic archive boasts a collection of more than 2,000 digital images of advertising campaigns by Agip, Agipgas and other Eni companies.

Visual culture and energy: European experts side by side


Villa Montecucco (Castel Gandolfo)

20 May 2019

Films and photos created by the energy industry, audiovisual languages and new communication strategies. This has been one among various subjects addressed by researchers and archivists from all over Europe on 23 and 24 May 2019 at Villa Montecucco, Castel Gandolfo, the new home of Eni's Historical Archive.

The Eni digital library goes online


In 2018 Eni decided to digitalise its archives, beginning with the oldest and most popular documents.

Talking about Archives


Villa Montecucco (Castel Gandolfo)

15 April 2019

Archivists and historians comparing on industrial sources