27 October 2023 will mark the 61st anniversary of the death of Eni's founder, Enrico Mattei. On the day dedicated to his commemoration, a documentary titled Enrico Mattei, ribelle per amore' [Enrico Mattei, rebel for love] will be released. Produced in collaboration with our historical archive, it will be aired by Rai (on RaiTre, 3 November 9:20 pm).
The documentary starts with Mattei's death and then follows his ideas and actions as founder and first chairman of Eni and as an active player in the broad and complex Italian and international political and energy scenario. It offers an alternative view to the traditional official narration of the events surrounding his life and seeks to follow a rigorous historical reconstruction of facts. It draws on a wealth of archival resources, including photographs, documents, audio recordings and video interviews. It also incorporates comments and recollections from prominent figures in the legal, business, cultural and academic worlds, as well as personal anecdotes from those who were close to him in those years