In 2018 Eni decided to digitalise its archives, beginning with the oldest and most popular documents. The decision was based on a desire to ensure proper preservation of the material and to make at least a portion of it available to researchers who may have difficulty coming to the site of the historic archives. The operation will also guarantee access to digital research through high-resolution scanning of the most important series in the archive. During the first year of the project, more than 700,000 sheets of paper were digitalised, some through OCR. By 2020, the programme envisages the acquisition of 2,800,000 digital sheets or 80% of the stored documentation. At the same time, the digitalisation of the photographic archives (which began in 2010) continues, putting 50,000 high-resolution images at the disposal of researchers. Likewise, work is ongoing for the audiovisual archives, which now have 350 digitalised documentaries and films to its credit, most of which have been restored and are in high resolution