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Published audiovisual


Available videos

Eni's historical archive contains more than 5,000 audiovisual records. The organisation of this dates to June 2006, when the first films, Betacam and VHS, were retrieved from the Agi Film Collection, the depositories of the former Snam, Agip and Agip Petroli companies, Italian Shell (formerly IP), the advertising material held by Eni Communication and the personal archive of Jean Michel Folon. Film contributions of great artistic value are stored and restored in Pomezia, documentaries filmed for Eni by directors such as Bernardo Bertolucci, the Taviani brothers, Vittorio De Seta, Giuseppe Ferrara and Gillo Pontecorvo, starting from the early 1950s. Today, most of them are available also in digital format.

  • Type: "documentario"

Audiovisual collection