20 December 2024
The project carried out by Eni's historical archive "In altre parole" has concluded. Over the course of 2024, we have collected the testimonies of illustrious figures who, inside or outside the company, were protagonists, witnesses or even just spectators of a fundamental passage that saw the transformation of Eni, the privatization process that ended in 1995. More and more often, traditional sources are accompanied by testimonies of a different nature to which similar historical importance is attributed. Among these, oral sources have the most important role, so much so that they are protected by the archival Superintendencies like other documentary sources
A project that immediately found the availability of the identified protagonists. Among others, in order of interview:
Emma Marcegaglia, Sabino Cassese, Giulio Sapelli, Andrea Simoni, Antonio Libri, Giuseppe De Rita, Pietro Cavanna, Daniela Viglione, Tiziano Treu, Giancarlo Falcucci, Vincenzo Gaeta, Carlo Frillici, Gilberto Callera, Pierluigi Celli, Massimo Cappelli, Renato Roffi, Stefano Lucchini, Alfredo Moroni, Vincenzo Boffi, Giuseppina Fusco, Alberto Clò, Franco Bernabè.
The interviews have allowed us to collect facts, points of view and new aspects of the history of our company; testimonies that enrich the Archive first of all, but also provide new tools for reading a history, that of Eni, that never ceases to fascinate. All this thanks also to the valuable work of professors, journalists, writers such as Luciano Segreto, Bruna Bagnato, Elisabetta Bini, Barbara Curli, Giovanni Favero, Fabrizio Maronta, Stefano Musso and Daniele Pozzi, who after careful research and study of each protagonist, have managed to give life to truly interesting conversations. The material has been subjected to post-production work, the content of the interviews will be transcribed and everything stored in the Archive for future memory.